martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010


We have heard about electronic literacy, but what is it? Before all this electronic era, a literate person was someone who knew how to read and write, but now in order to be literate, you must know how to use electronic tools. Times have changed and a person who does not know how to use a computer, or does not even have an e-mail account, is consider an illiterate person. If we want to keep moving forward we must know how to use electronic tools.

The first time I met a computer I was 10 years old and I only use it to play black jack, because I did not know the other uses of a computer. Later on I started to use it for looking for pictures, videos or music that I like. I had a lot of problems using the computers because I did not understand them, for me it was impossible to use the internet, basically because computers never caught my attention, I found them very boring, maybe that the reason that I created my e-mail account until I was in high school. I think once I started to know more about computers and internet I wanted to learn how far I could get using a computer. To use the computer, internet and more, had helped me to study better and to know more things that I did not know about the world.

Electronic tools have not only influenced me but also help me to improve my English, because most of the web pages are in this language, so if you want to understand what is publish in that page you should know English. Also I think that thanks to the internet there are a lot of web pages dedicated to the study of different languages, most of them are for learning English, and in here we can find a lot of exercises to improve our second language. Nowadays is very common to use word processors because they are easy to use, and at school the teachers often asked you to hand in your papers in computer in order to give a better presentation. But also I believe that with the invention of the internet most of the students (myself included) have become laziest, because every time we need to find something, you turn on the computer and Google it, and the first thing that comes out, we copied and paste it on the word processor, and most of the times we did not know if that information is the correct one.

Every day is coming out the market new technology, and this is good because as future teachers we can use them to find different ways to teach English. We can find fun activities for the students, and with these the students will not get bored in class. One other thing we could find, is courses online or masters degrees online, this is really good because sometimes we want to keep studying, or we want to be more prepared, but for some reasons we do not have time, and with this you not necessarily must to be on a classroom with an specific schedule, so you can adapt your activities of work, family, etc; and keep your preparation as a teacher.

Nowadays a person with no access to electronic tools or any other technology is consider illiterate, and we have to accept the fact that this electronic era is going to continue, and everyday there are going to be new tools or gadgets, and we will need to learn how to use them if we want to be literates, it might be difficult but I think we can do it, we just need to know more about them and if we still do not know how to use them, then we should ask for help, the electronic era is happening, keep moving forward and do not stay in the past.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010


We have heard about electronic literacy, but what is it? Before all this electronic era, a literate person was someone who knew how to read and write, but now in order to be literate, you must know how to use electronic tools. Times have changed and a person who does not know how to use a computer, or does not even have an e-mail account, is consider an illiterate person. If we want to keep moving forward we must know how to use electronic tools.

The first time I met a computer I was 10 years old and I only use it to play black jack, because I did not know the other uses of a computer. Later on I started to use it for looking for pictures, videos or music that I like. I had a lot of troubles using the computers because I did not understand them, for me it was impossible to use the internet, basically because computers never caught my attention, I found them very boring, maybe that the reason that I created my e-mail account until I was in high school. I think once I started to know more about computers and internet I wanted to learn how far I could get using a computer. To use the computer, internet and more helped me to studied better and to more things that I did not know about the world.

Electronic tools have not only influence me but also help me to have better English, because most of the web pages are in this language, so if you want to understand what is publish in that page you should know English. Also I think that thanks to the internet there are a lot of web pages dedicated to the study of different languages, most of them are for learning English, and in here we can find a lot of exercises to improve our second language. Nowadays is very common to use word processors because they are easy to use, and at school the teachers often asked you to hand in your papers in computer in order to give a better presentation. But also I believe that with the invention of the internet most of the students (myself included) have become laziest, because every time we need to find something, you turn on the computer and Google it, and the first thing that comes out, we copied and paste it, and most of the times we did not know if that information is the correct one.

Every day is coming out the market new technology, and this is good because as future teachers is a good way to find different ways to teach English. We can find fun activities for the students, and with these the students will not get bored in class. One other thing we could find, is courses online or masters degrees online, this is really good because sometimes we want to keep studying, or we want to be more prepared, but for some reasons we do not have time, and with this you not necessarily must to be on a classroom with an specific schedule, so you can adapt your activities of work, family, etc; and keep your preparation as a teacher.

Nowadays a person with no access to electronic tools or any other technology is consider illiterate, and we have to accept the fact that this electronic era is going to continue, and everyday there are going to be new tools or gadgets, and we will need to learn how to use them if we want to be literates, it might be difficult but I think we can do it, we just need to know more about them and if we still do not know how to use them, then we should ask for help, the electronic era is happening, keep moving forward and do not stay in the past.

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010


Can you describe yourself in a few words? This is impossible… you need more than just a few words to have a general concept of someone. There are many aspects to consider when you are describing yourself such as personal information, likes, and dislikes, and with this you will have a better idea of who am I.

The main aspect to know someone is personal information. I’m Xochiquetzal Cruz de la Riva, but everybody calls me Xochis, bitch, Xochitl, or Xochi. I was born on October 11th, 1989 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. About my look, I’m average height, chubby, and I have wavy long brown hair, and my eyes are also brown. I consider myself friendly, responsible, punctual and, sometimes I can be really shy. My family is made up of my dad, my mom, a sister who is four years younger than me, a white dog, and a black cat.

Another aspect that I consider for you important to get to know me better are my likes. I love listening to music, I cannot live without it, and I feel empty if I do not listen to music. Also I like TV series; some of them are Supernatural, Glee, True blood, The Tudors and ER. Another thing I like is to read and because of it my sister says I’m a nerd, but I do not mind, and the thing I love the most is to be with my family and my friends, I love to hang out and to fool around with them, if I did not have them by my side, I think my life would be miserable.

Now that you know my likes, I think you should know my dislikes. I do not like people that smoke, and also I do not like hypocrite people, because they tell you that you are their friend and whenever they can, they stab your back. I hate unpunctual people, because I consider myself punctual and if I do not make you lose your time you should not make me lose mine. One thing that I hate is light in general, I prefer darkness, and if you go to my house you will find my room in the dark because light annoys me.

Now that you know my personal information, my likes and my dislikes, you have a better idea of who and how I am. You have to remember that you cannot describe yourself in a few words, it does not matter how long you take, because at the end everyone will have a better idea of who you are.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010


Can you describe yourself in a few words? This is impossible… you need more than just a few words to have a general concept of someone. There are many aspects to consider when you are describing yourself such as personal information, likes, and dislikes, and with this you will have a better idea of who am I.

The main aspect to know someone is personal information. I’m Xochiquetzal Cruz de la Riva, but everybody calls me Xochis, bitch, Xochitl, or Xochi. I was born on October 11th, 1989 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. About my look, I’m average height, chubby, and I have wavy long brown hair, and my eyes are also brown. I consider myself friendly, responsible, punctual and, sometimes I can be really shy. My family is made up of my dad, my mom, a sister who is four years old younger than me, a white dog, and a black cat.

Another aspect that I consider important to get to know me better are my likes. I love listening to music, I cannot live without it, and I feel empty if I do not listen to music. Also I like TV series; some of them are Supernatural, Glee, True blood, The Tudors and ER. Another thing I like is to read and because of it my sister says I’m a nerd, but I do not mind, and the thing I love the most is to be with my family and my friends, I love to hang out and to fool around with them, if I did not have them by my side, I think my life would be miserable.

Now that you know my likes, I think you should know my dislikes. I do not like people that smoke, and also I do not like hypocrite people, because they tell you that you are their friend and whenever they can, they stab your back. I hate unpunctual people, because I consider myself punctual and if I do not make you lose your time you should not make me lose mine. One thing that I hate is light in general, I prefer darkness, and if you go to my house you will find my room in the dark because light annoy me.

Now that you know my personal information, my likes and my dislikes, you have a better idea of who and how I am. You have to remember that you cannot describe yourself in a few words, it does not matter how long you take, because at the end everyone will have a better idea of who you are.