miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010


According to Wikipedia web page animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, animal research, and in vivo testing, is the use of non-human animals in experiments. Every year over 100 million animals are use to experiment in pharmaceutics laboratories, companies of make-up and cleaning products, and for medical research. All these experiments are all for the human benefit, because all these experiments are done in order to know the effect some products may cause to humans. Nowadays in most of the countries animal testing is considered a sign of animal cruelty and this is punished by the law either with a fine or with imprisonment.

Most of the animal experiments are done by pharmaceutics laboratories. In order to use new medicine scientists will make the animal get sick. During these experiments the animal will suffer pain because of the sickness and the experiment, and by the end the animal will die either for the experiment or because the scientist will kill it because they cannot experiment with it anymore. After the tests, medicine will come out to the market only to be removed little time later. This is because the reaction in an animal will not be the same as in a human that is the reason why some of the medicines are out the market, because of the secondary effects it causes in humans.

Animal testing on cosmetics is arguably one of the most (if not the most) controversial areas of animal testing. This industry test with animals until they finish a product or only to test an ingredient of a formula. There are some organizations as the EU (the European Union) which in 2009 banned the entire cosmetics test on animals. After this happened these cosmetic companies had to find a place where animal testing is not banned otherwise they would not be able to make those experiments, so even though they know it is banned or they can be punished they continue doing experiments. Testing in cosmetics is very controversial because animals will suffer and die for the price of human beauty.

Many people may say that humanity would not be able to move forward if it were not for animal testing. I think that we probably have better medicines and procedures and with these many diseases had been cured, but scientists should find out a way to avoid using animals or humans to experiment. If they are intelligent and prepared enough they can find a way to test without hurting anything or anyone, as the use of skin human cells, or using computer simulation.

Animal testing is very cruel and none animal should die during an experiment only for the benefit of the human sake. There are a lot of different ways to create and proved medicines, cosmetics, cleaning products and more without hurting animals. Animal testing should stop because I think we become animals when we kill, so would you like to be used in testing?

Animal testing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved October 18, 2010, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal

Using Animals for Testing: Pro's Versus Con's - About Animal Testing (UK). (n.d.). Informed Discussion on Animal Welfare in Animal Testing at About Animal Testing (UK). Retrieved October 18, 2010, from http://www.aboutanimaltesting.co.uk/using-animals-testing-pros-versus-cons.html

Using Animals for Testing: Pro's Versus Con's - About Animal Testing (UK). (n.d.). Informed Discussion on Animal Welfare in Animal Testing at About Animal Testing (UK). Retrieved October 18, 2010, from http://www.aboutanimaltesting.co.uk/using-animals-testing-pros-versus-cons.html

1 comentario:

  1. Hello xochi, your essay is good, I agree with you, but i think your comments about medical experiments seem to be a little weak, because you say they should find other way, but, it would be better that you suggest a solution
