domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010


Have you ever imagined being friend of someone who is not totally but a lot different from you? Well this happened to me. My best friend is a girl named Marisol and we met in high school. The first time I met her I did not like her, and I even knew why, but time passed and we became friends, and now we are inseparable. It has been 7 years since we met and every day we become closer.

Marisol is 21 years old and she is studying physical therapy at UAA. She was born on August 30th 1989 in Aguascalientes, Ags. She lives with her mom and her brother, and she is the youngest of her family. She is very tall and a little bit chubby; she has long dark brown wavy hair. According to her face, she has rounded nose, big brown eyes, and also she has full lips and a big smile.

Marisol’s personality is very unique, I think she is bipolar (just kidding), she is very outgoing with people she already knows, but if she does not know anybody she feels uncomfortable and she can be shy. She tends to take her emotions to the extreme, if you tell her a joke and she finds it funny, she will laugh to the point that she is almost unable to breath and her face will turn red. But also if she is sad, she is not afraid to show how she feels, something that I always try to avoid.

As I said before, the first time we met I did not like her, I thought she was weird, but she was not, I felt that way because we were different. Eventually we started to go out, and we became friends, she makes me feel very happy and if I am sad and I know that she is the one that will support me, every time I need her she is there for me, and I consider her as part of my family, she is like another sister to me, and it is good to know that she feels the same way about me.

I believe that Marisol and I are very different, we like different types of music, she does not gets English and I am going to be an English teacher, etc. sometimes I think we are like water and oil, but at the same time I consider that these differences are the greatest things about our friendship. Probably if we like the same things our friendship would be boring. We complement each other and I never thought that someone that different from me would become my best friend.

1 comentario:

  1. Hellooo XOchi, You essay is good, i think also that sometimes friends are very different, I have friends that are oposite to me, but then is when you get fun, as you mention, jajaja
